Owl Class (Years 3 & 4)
Welcome to Owl class! Our teacher is Mrs Hird and we are supported by Miss Hetherington.
This half term our topic is ‘The Great War’. We will be investigating what events lead to the start of WW1, the impact it had on every day life and how it eventually ended. In Science, we will be learning about the Water Cycle and using our knowledge on changing states from last half term to help us with this. PE will continue to be gymnastics and netball at the Sands Centre and we will be writing a warning story and information text in English. In Maths, we are moving on to multiplication and division!
Below is some important information about our class:
- PE - PE will be on Tuesday afternoons every week of the Autumn term. Children need to come to school wearing their PE kits on this day. Any stud earrings must be removed or taped if they are new piercings.
- Homework - Homework will be set on a Monday and will need to be completed by the following Monday. This will be set on Mathletics.
- Reading - Children must bring their reading book and reading record to school every day. Children are expected to read to an adult at least three times a week. This should be recorded in their reading record and signed. When listening to your child’s reading, please pose questions about the story using the VIPERS questions (sheet attached).
- Spellings - Weekly spellings will be set on a Monday. These will be stuck in a spelling book which will need to be in school every day also. We will be doing spelling sessions in school each day but additional practice at home will be important.
- Times tables - The weekly times table focus will be set on a Monday. We will be doing times table sessions in school but children also need to practise these at home for the test on Friday. They can use TT Rockstars for this.